SV Kettwig 1907 e.V.


Schwimmschule Tortuga

- SV Kettwig 1907 e.V. -



1. Terms of payment

1.1. Mit der Anmeldung ist die Teilnahme am Lehrgang verbindlich. Die gesamte Lehrgangsgebühr wird bei Anmeldung, spätestens bei der ersten Stunde, fällig und kann per Überweisung beglichen werden. Andere Zahlungsmodalitäten nur nach Vereinbarung. Der Gesamtbetrag für den jeweiligen Block wird durch die Beitragsordnung des SV Kettwig 1907 e.V. festgelegt.

1.2 Cancellation of course participation must be made in writing before the start of the course. A later cancellation is excluded. In the case of timely cancellation, the contract costs are limited to an amount equal to 30% of the course fee. - The participant is allowed to prove that no damage or reduction in value has occurred at all or that it is significantly lower than the lump sum.

1.3 In the event of unpunctual or non-receipt of payment, the association reserves the right to suspend the course until payment has been received.

1.4 In the case of proven illness (medical certificate) and missed classes up to more than 3 consecutive hours, the missed class time will be credited upon request and will be charged when a new class is taken. This agreement is valid for a maximum of 12 months after the start of the course. After this period, the participant can no longer make any claims. (This does not apply to any intensive or vacation courses).

1.5 Course duration: Unless otherwise agreed (e.g. intensive or individual lessons), our courses always take place between the school vacations of the federal state of NRW. We do not have a fixed number of hours! The courses start on the first Saturday after the vacations and end on the last Saturday before the vacations. Due to the vacation regulations not all blocks have the same number of hours. The number of hours and the exact dates can be found on the start page (structure and prices).

1.6. a previously agreed trial lesson is not charged.

2. Regulations of absent hours

2.1. No attendance at lessons does not constitute a refund of fees.

2.2. In case the club prevented from attending (e.g. due to technical defects, illness of one or more instructors or other compelling reasons), the lessons will not be charged and, if necessary, refunded. Other claims for compensation (e.g. making up the lesson) cannot be made by the participant. In case an instructor falls out due to illness, we will always try to provide a substitute with the same level of training.

2.3. Unless otherwise agreed, there are no swimming lessons during school vacations and on public holidays in the state of NRW.

3. Insurance coverage and liability

3.1. Alle Teilnehmer sind für die gesamte Dauer der Lehrgänge Mitglied im Schwimmverein Kettwig 1907 e.V. und darüber unfallversichert. Es handelt sich dabei um eine zeitliche begrenzte Mitgliedschaft im SV Kettwig  1907  e.V. die mit dem Ende des Lehrgangs erlischt. Weitere Rechte oder Pflichten über das eigentliche, gebuchte Angebot hinaus ergeben sich aus dieser zeitlich begrenzten Mitgliedschaft für beide Seiten nicht. 

3.2.  Der SV Kettwig 1907 e.V. haftet nicht für Diebstahl, Verluste oder Beschädigungen. 

3.3. Parents are liable for their children in case of wilful damage to the facility and/or equipment.

3.4. In case of major violations of general rules of conduct or instructions of the responsible instructors, participants can be excluded from the lessons without any claims for compensation.

3.5. The house rules of the swimming pool apply.

3.6. Participants who are minors will be handed over to their legal guardians or their representatives if they do not follow the instructions of the instructors. Reimbursement of costs for this unit is not possible.

4. Implementation

4.1. Each child must be in good physical health at the start of swimming lessons. A doctor's certificate is not required, but we recommend a physical examination before the start. Refrain from swimming and diving in case of contagious diseases, fever, ear and eye infections, stomach problems (e.g. diarrhea) and open wounds. In case of doubt, you can always contact us. We reserve the right to exclude potentially ill participants from classes. The admission of participants with health restrictions and / or disabilities must be discussed individually with us.

4.2. In the interest of all participants, a continuous participation in the lessons is recommended. A guarantee of success within the agreed course period cannot be given, even in the case of individual supervision. For didactic reasons, our specialists reserve the right to take turns supervising the children entrusted to them, if necessary.

5. House rules

5.1. The house rules of the respective Traugott-Weise-Schule or Schwimmzentrum Kettwig apply.

6. Data privacy

6.1. The data requested in the registration form, such as name, address, date of birth, telephone numbers, email addresses may be stored for internal club purposes. The collection, processing and use of this personal data for membership administration is carried out by the SV Kettwig 07 by means of electronic data processing. Without this consent, participation in the course cannot be granted.

6.2. For the maintenance of the club homepage/showcase swimming pool, the SV Kettwig 1907 will publish photographic material in the context of the exercise work of the swimming school. The corresponding declaration of consent is set out in the registration form.

7. Contact

7.1. Please use the following email address to contact us:
Of course, you can also contact us by letter/mail:

SV Kettwig 1907 e.V.
Office: Hanne Schwarz,

Werdenerstr. 50

45219 Essen

7.2. For organizational reasons, it is not always possible to clarify questions and suggestions about the schedule, appointment arrangements directly on site. Please contact us by phone, in writing or by Email. We will do our best to process your inquiries as quickly as possible.

SV Kettwig 1907 e. V.   

Stand: Januar 2020 (Punkt1.2)