SV Kettwig 1907 e.V.


No competition without judges

Für die Schwimmwettkämpfe sind KampfrichterInnen unabdingbar! Und da der SV Kettwig 1907 an sehr vielen Veranstaltungen teilnimmt, sind wir ständig auf der Suche nach Eltern und SchwimmerInnen, die sich zum / zur WettkampfrichterIn ausbilden lassen.

In order to properly host a swim meet, between 12-28 judges are needed depending on the meet & lineup!

Below you will find some information about the position as a judge, as well as the schooling to become a judge.

Tasks of the judges

Ausbildung & Fortbildung

The training to become a competition judge consists of a theoretical part including a written exam, as well as a practical part. The theory part lasts one day. For the practical part, four different assignments/sections at two competition events are required.

The club will cover the costs for the training and advanced training.

Interested persons please contact Kai Staschul or under the following e-mail: